Study Material
Lecturersclub APP: Technovation brought about by Indgiants for Trainers
Study Materials are basically digital content that you want to deliver to your student. It is persistent data and can be accessed by students at any time once it is uploaded.
Study Materials can have PDF documents and images attached to them. Videos are to be uploaded on YouTube and the link copied into the Study Material. Uploading YouTube videos has been demonstrated here.
To create an Study Material:
- Go to the Study Materials screen and click on Create.
- To the left of the screen that appears you will be asked to fill up Study Material title, message and the group it belongs to. Study Material can belong to multiple Group.
- To the right you will see controls to add Files and URLs (which we will call attachments from here on). You can either click on the ‘Upload Files’ pane or drag and drop files to it. Clicking on ‘Add video URL’ will add a field to copy paste YouTube URLs.
- You can directly upload attachments from your smartphone. Attachments can be in the form of image or pdfs. The students will be presented the attachments in the exact same order in the Students App.